
Zo verduurzaamt de scheepvaart

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Transport is overal, óók op zee. Deze vorm van transport is verantwoordelijk voor een groot gedeelte van de uitstoot van broeikasgassen. Zéker nu de scheepvaart enorm aan het uitbreiden is. Daarom zijn veel scheepvaartbedrijven nu bezig met het verduurzamen van de schepen. Maar wat zijn nu precies oplossingen waar we aan kunnen denken? Wij vertellen je er graag meer over. Lees dus vooral verder!



De scheepvaart is voor zo’n 2.5% verantwoordelijk voor de uitstoot van broeikasgassen. Dit komt doordat schepen zware olie gebruiken waar veel zwavel in zit. In tegenstelling tot normale olie dat voor auto’s wordt gebruikt, is deze goedkope olie veel vervuilender. Deze uitstoot zal veel kleiner moeten, om bij te kunnen dragen aan een beter milieu. Een goede oplossing om de broeikasgassen te reduceren is door middel van elektrisch varen.


Prestaties meten

Een goede manier om onder andere de uitstoot en het verbruik van schepen te meten, is door middel van performance monitoring. Dit is een programma waarmee de prestaties van schepen nauwkeurig kunnen worden gemeten. Zo kan gekeken worden naar wat schepen verbruiken en waar nog ruimte voor verbetering is. Dit programma kent verschillende parameters. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan locatie data, snelheid data, tochtgegevens, meteorologische gegevens en gegevens over de toestand van de zee. Al deze componenten kunnen dus handige inzichten geven in hoe de scheepvaart verduurzaamt kan worden.


Duurzame brandstof

Een goede manier om de uitstoot minder schadelijk te maken, is door de slechte olie te vervangen door duurzame brandstof. Hierbij kun je denken aan LNG. Dit is vloeibaar aardgas wat gebruikt kan worden voor diesel en bunkerolie in de scheepvaart. Er zijn al een aantal schepen die op deze brandstof varen en dit belooft goede resultaten! Vooral Nederland houdt zich hier veel mee bezig. Verder wordt deze oplossing ook steeds bekender bij andere landen in Europa. Met deze brandstof gaat de uitstoot maar liefst 50% tot 60% omlaag.



Zoals we inmiddels al beschreven, zijn schepen verantwoordelijk voor een groot deel van de CO2 uitstoot. Dit geldt ook voor het aanmeren aan wal. Het is namelijk zo dat schepen vaak hun energie laten draaien als ze eenmaal aangemeerd zijn. Dit komt doordat generatoren en andere voorzieningen aan boord elektriciteit nodig hebben. Dit is natuurlijk extra belastend voor het milieu. Dit kan verminderd worden door middel van walstroom. Dit is als het ware het gebruiken van stroom van het land. Zo kan het schip alsnog van stroom worden voorzien.

November 24, 2020 |

You can find the solution for your broken aircraft parts at this supplier

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If your aircraft has some broken parts, you most likely want to fix this as soon as possible. Otherwise your aircraft is grounded for a long time. If you are looking for a trustworthy supplier of aircraft parts for your aircraft, then GAPS AERO is your best partner. This aircraft parts supplier offers a wide variety of aircraft parts of great quality. This means that you can always find the parts your aircraft needs. Moreover, they offer you a repairing service where they can repair broken parts of your aircraft. This is a great solution that is not only cost-friendly, but also environmentally-friendly. That sounds good, right? If you are curious about what this aircraft parts supplier has to offer, read on.

Experience great service of this company

GAPS AERO offers you aircraft parts that meets the highest standards. This company strongly believes that only excellent quality can guarantee optimal safety. Therefore, the processes of this company are fully in line with the ISO 9001 standard. That is a comforting thought. The specialists of this company make sure that they can offer you great service anyway. This means that the staff is available for you even after business hours for every AOG need you have. Now that is dedication! Another great benefit of this company is that the location is situated nearby Schiphol Airport. If your aircraft is grounded at the airport, the staff can deliver your necessary parts very quickly. But if your aircraft is located elsewhere in the world, you are guaranteed that you receive your aircraft parts very fast as well, since this supplier can ship your parts easily and quickly by plane.

Contact the experts of this company now

Is GAPS AERO the aircraft parts supplier your looking for? Wait no longer and contact the company to make an arrangement. You can also ask for more information about the company. If you would like to speak to one of the experts, you can do so with the help of the contact information you can find on their website.
November 24, 2020 |

Buy your whey protein concentrates of high-quality at this specialist

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When you are looking for whey protein concentrates for your company or yourself, you want to be assured of the highest quality. This product can be used for various manufacturing processes. One of the companies that specializes in whey protein concentrates is Interfood. This company has years of experience and has used their experience to offer the best possible service to various companies that are interested in their product. Whey protein concentrates is a complete protein and is low in lactose content. Are you interested in the product of this specialist? Keep on reading and find out what this company can do for you.

Ensure your company of the highest quality

To ensure that they deliver the best quality, this company use their expertise and work together with external parties. This product is manufactured from several other products. Think of sweet cheese whey by ultra-filtration, evaporation and spray drying. Interfood ensures that they deliver good quality. For this they use the knowledge they have built up over the years. Besides whey protein concentrates they create even more different types of dairy proteins. These proteins can be used for various purposes. It is a functional ingredient for making cheese or yoghurt.

Get in touch with their experts

Are you interested in whey protein concentrates and would you like to know more about this product and the possibilities it offers? The specialists of this company are always ready to provide you with the necessary information about whey protein concentrates. You can also contact them if you have any questions. You can also find more information on the website of Interfood. The employees of this company also know everything about delivering the product in different countries. If you are interested in whey protein concentrates, this company is an excellent choice. Find out for yourself what they can do for you by contacting their experts.
November 18, 2020 |

3 Basic Cosmetic Packaging Supplies Secrets You Never Knew

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If you have never used three different cosmetic packaging supplies then you are missing out on a lot of benefits. With the proper use of your Cosmetic packaging you can ensure that they are used properly, in the right way, and that you will be able to enjoy the results that you are seeking. There are a few tips that you should keep in mind when using these products.

One of the most common cosmetic packaging supplies is the plastic packaging that is placed on the products that you are purchasing. While this is a very common way to keep these products from going bad, there are other items that you should know about that will help you in choosing the right kind of product for your needs.

As these products will be sitting on the counter for an extended period of time, it is important that they are going to be as safe as possible. When you are looking for the right type of cosmetic packaging supplies materials for your needs you will be able to keep the ones that you need, as long as you follow these guidelines.
November 13, 2020 |

Flow 3xl – Male Enhancement Side Effects, Uses, Ingredients & Review

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Flow 3xl  – Male Enhancement Side Effects, Uses, Ingredients & Review

Flow 3xl  Erectile dysfunction is so common nowadays in men. Many men are suffering from their sexual problems. Today even younger males are also suffering from this problem when they are not able to retain, which mainly happens after the age of 60. There are mainly two things or problems that you all face. First is the desire for s@x and when you are in bed, you are not able to sustain an erection. It releases so early, and you feel embarrassed in front of your partner. You feel ashamed, and also you may get into a fight.
This supplement could also be a testosterone promoter that begins developing your low testosterone. There are tons of examines made on this item and it’s one hundred pc regular and safe to utilize. It builds your s@xual power normally and there are numerous who are turning towards this item. There are tons of valuable data accessible on the situation . They likewise direct you on the only because of maintain a strategic distance from the tricks on the web . It took three years of innovative work to make this item. The outcomes are a characteristic equation that gives you victories.

This supplement could also be a testosterone promoter that begins developing your low testosterone. There are tons of examines made on this item and it’s one hundred pc regular and safe to utilize. It builds your s@xual power normally and there are numerous who are turning towards this item. There are tons of valuable data accessible on the situation . They likewise direct you on the only because of maintain a strategic distance from the tricks on the web . It took three years of innovative work to make this item. The outcomes are a characteristic equation that gives you victories.



November 9, 2020 |

Effective ways and winning strategies to grow an online business

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The Internet has revolutionized the way many companies do business these days. It has opened new online business opportunities for many striving entrepreneurs. Also, people who once greatly preferred to visit the shop straight to buy their desired services and products now wish to get everything from the comfort of their homes.

Therefore, in this digital era, starting an online business will be definitely a smart move for many budding and aspiring entrepreneurs as they can reap profit within a short span of time. And also, nowadays, with the advancements in technology, online businesses are able to reach and connect with the global market. For the proprietors who still have doubt if taking the business online would be a good idea, here are some astounding benefits that can be obtained by plunging into the online industry.

By running your business online, you can promote your services and products rapidly and effectively when compared to traditional marketing approaches. With a robust online presence, you can get global traction in your business and can build a positive image for your brand. You can also minimize the overhead costs which will eventually allow you to make a huge profit easily.  So, as an entrepreneur, you must understand that if your business is not online, you will be unable to take the advantage of a valuable resource to build your company beyond your dreams.

But, some business owners have a wrong thought that once they start an online business or when they just move their business online, people across the globe will automatically find their online businesses and make use of their online platforms whenever they are in need.  But, this is not true. The fact is that it is not easy to get tremendous growth in the online business unless some key tactics and several enhancement methodologies are followed.

Therefore, each and every ambitious entrepreneur must be aware of some significant concepts to get ahead in their online business ventures. If you are one of those business owners trying hard to launch your own lucrative online business, then read this blog.

In this blog, we are going to see the online business growth in 2020 and how this growth will be in the future, effective ways to build your online business in the current market trend, and some future technologies that are going to revamp the online businesses.  

Online business growth in 2020

The online industry is growing at a steady pace and its growth is even more accelerated due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation. This is mainly because most of the people across the globe embrace online shopping and spend more time online for various activities such as for entertainment purposes, for educational purposes, for getting connected with their dear ones, for getting guidance on medication, etc due to several precautionary measures during this coronavirus pandemic. 

People also feel more comfortable with online shopping during the quarantines. Wide selection, convenience, and savings are the main reasons for people preferring to shop online.  Also, when thinking about the other vital factors for this major shift towards online shopping in this digital world, the elderly population comes next. As they are now in self-isolation, their online purchasing behavior will continue and will, even more, promote the current shopping trend.

A recent survey also shows that nearly one-third of the global consumers shop online weekly since COVID-19 hit. Therefore, there is a great chance for the continuation of this trend even in the post-COVID-19 world. So, it is very much clear that even after the quarantine, people will still prefer to do online shopping from the homes.

Similarly, online streaming platforms, video chatting platforms, and all other online businesses with robust digital presence are also thriving in 2020. Also, there is no doubt that the online industry will experience tremendous growth in the future too. So, each and every online business owner is in the position to utilize the current golden opportunity and enhance the online experience of their users across the globe in order to meet their expectations. And, thereby they can grow their online businesses in 2020 and in upcoming years.     

As an entrepreneur, you must know some effective concepts and ways to boost the growth of the online business in this digital era. Let us see those now.

Strategies to improve your online business growth

Business owners must understand that without establishing a powerful online presence, their online businesses will fail to get loyal customers and will lose out on sales. So, take a look at this section to know about the important strategies to enhance online presence and to elevate your online business

Establish a powerful online platform

Your online platform is the first thing that people will utilize to know about your online business, the products and services you are offering, to engage and contact you, etc. So, building an influential online platform is the foremost factor to take an online business to next level. Therefore, focus on enriching your user experience by having a strong online platform with unrivaled performance, visually appealing user interface, responsive design, modern features, and trendiest technologies.

Have a mobile-friendly online platform

In addition to developing a powerful website, making it mobile-friendly is equally essential to grab the attention of millions of online users. This is because people nowadays mostly prefer to search for products and services online using their mobile phones more than computers, tablets, laptops, etc. So, considering the rapid increase in the usage of mobile devices for searches, proprietors must optimize their websites for mobile.

Protection of consumer data

With the staggering rise in cybercrime and other fraudulent activities, online businesses must prioritize the ultimate protection of their consumer data. So, there is a need for the inclusion of high-security checks in online platforms by the businesses to gain customer confidence. Therefore, as an aspiring online business owner trying hard to build trust among your users and to promote your online business growth, you should beef up online security.

Be flexible and transparent

Customers normally will be more likely to make use of the online platform that provides them more choices for payment, shipping, and customer service. So, entrepreneurs should include these flexible options to capture the user’s attention. Also, an online business with transparency can draw customers easily. So, it is important to always keep your customers informed with your latest developments, any other supply delays, and so on.

Learn from your competitors

To form a good strategy for your online business, you can analyze what your competitors are doing to get ahead and what they are missing and not providing that your customers really want. This research about your competitors will give some useful ideas to face fierce competition in your online business.

Improve communication

One of the most significant aspects of running a profitable online business is an effective communicative channel. This will greatly help in strengthening your connection with your target customer as you can solve their product-related queries and can respond to them instantly. So, always keep in mind that when your customers are able to reach you anytime as they need, you can reinforce the bond with them.  In addition to the above-mentioned tips and ideas for growing online business, each and every entrepreneur must also be aware of some trends and modern technologies that are revamping the online businesses. So that they can shine in the online industry. Let us see about those now.

Cutting-edge technologies and innovations that are shaping the online industry

Complete virtual experience

The gesture and voice-driven virtual engagement will be definitely a boon for many online businesses. This is because it can offer a vibrant and rich experience to the users. The information that the users are seeing on a screen in 2D will be visible in the 3D virtual environment. This will provide a near real-life experience to millions of users while using an online platform.

Voice-driven interaction

Voice search is popular these days and will take a massive hit in the future too. The voice input from the users will be used effectively to offer the needed information and to solve their queries quickly. So, with the voice-driven interaction, customers can search for their products and services and can buy the required one within a fraction of a second.      

Personalized experience

Personalization plays a key role in offering a smooth customer experience and in engaging the global audience. When you are able to create a unique individual user experience on your online platform depending on the user’s intent and timing, you can surely improve your conversions, response rates, and sales. So, proprietors must focus on building an attention-grabbing website with personalized elements to amaze their target audience.    

AI-driven algorithms and smart service

AI is greatly impacting almost all online businesses and these algorithms can analyze the customer’s past purchasing behavior and can thereby personalize their shopping experience. Also, with the AI-driven smart service, chatbots, businesses can automate their customer service and can provide instant response to user queries. 

There is no doubt that these technological trends that will help in running a lucrative online business. So, entrepreneurs must keep an eye out or these technological enhancements to get success in their online business ventures. 

Final words

From the above sections, I hope you can now understand some vital concepts and ideas to grow the online business. Entrepreneurs must consider these technological advancements and growth tricks to launch a successful online business. But, building a full-fledged online platform with all the above-mentioned features and other inclusions is wholly possible only by getting a comprehensive and felicitous online solution that suits your online business model. This will also help you to arrive at an impressive online platform quickly and within your budget.

You can get such a suitable online solution for your business from , a well-known online solution providing company. It has been developing optimal clone solutions for different online business verticals. So, you can get a complete, pre-built online solution with unmatchable performance and exciting inclusions for your online business at Appkodes. So, discuss your online business concepts with the team of experts at Appkodes and make your online business venture successful. 


October 28, 2020 |

With the help of breeding software you gain more insight into the processes

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For breeders who want to have their data organised, centralised and easily accessible in a SAAS solution, the ABS Breeding software program is the solution. Agro Business Solutions (ABS) has created software solutions that benefit agricultural companies. The ABS software provides you a real-time overview of all the main processes of your agro business. Their software is especially developed for companies that specialise in plant breeding, seed multiplication and fresh produce. With the help of their software, you will get the analytical tools you need to gain more insight into your business activities and can be customized to meet your needs.

The perfect software program for every breeding company

ABS has breeding software available that can handle the breeding programs of field crops, vegetables and flowers. With the software you gain more insight into the most important processes, like your trials and to administer trademarks, variety rights and sales. The breeding software will give you smart and instantly available reports and graphs. Through this information you will always know what to do and where your chances are, anytime and anywhere. ABS Breeding is a multi-user application. You can use if from different locations and by different users at the same time. The breeding software program from ABS can even be customized to fit your personal needs as a breeder. That is exactly why their software is used by all kinds of agricultural companies!

A cost-friendly solution

ABS Breeding is the perfect software program for every breeding company in the Netherlands and beyond. It gives you a lot of insight in the important processes of your company, but it is also very cost-friendly. That is the case, because it does not require you to have your own IT-infrastructure. Are you interested in their high-quality breeding software program and want to know more about it? Get in contact with them and they tell you all about this revolutionary application.
October 26, 2020 |

Discover the benefits of refurbishment of spare parts

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Buying new parts for your machinery can be rather expensive. To prevent high costs you could think about reusing older materials that are still perfectly functionable. At mt unirepair you can count on an expert in the refurbishment of spare parts. As an independent company, they can repair and refurbish materials from any original manufacturer that no longer supports these specific parts. This means that you get a service which is cost-efficient and an easier method to repair products and machinery. Without compromising the quality of the product, you will experience a service that only offers you benefits.

Count on the specialists of this company

At mt unirepair, the refurbishment of spare parts is their specialty. Even if the entire process sounds to good to be true, you can truly expect a result that is satisfactory and meets every demand you might possibly have. Sometimes, it might be the case that the original manufacturer of your particular machine has stopped producing parts that can be applied during a repair job. By counting on the refurbishment of spare parts, you no longer need to worry about whether or not this is the case. By getting your machine in the best possible state by using the most cost-efficient materials, you will be happy that you turned to mt unirepair for your repairs.

Get in contact with the experts

Would you like to use the refurbishment of spare parts to fix your broken machinery? Then feel free to contact the people at mt unirepair and ask for the various possibilities. By providing them with the details of your specific situation, they can get to work instantly. This means that the solution to your problem will come fast and that the refurbishment of spare parts is done expertly and according to your specific demands. The possibilities are truly endless!
October 22, 2020 |

Bottle Up alternative to plastic bottles

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One million single-use PET bottles are sold every minute worldwide. Even though these bottles are recyclable, very few make it into a new bottle. Instead 60% of these bottles end up in landfill or worse, our rivers and oceans.


The alternative to plastic bottles

How can we solve this problem? Quite simply, by reducing the number of single-use bottles being consumed. The easiest and most eco-friendly solution on the go, is to refill a reusable bottle from a drinking water station. A perfect alternative to plastic bottles.


Tap water is often very safe to drink and more and more filling stations are being installed in major cities around the world to ensure water is easily accessible.


There are different ways of producing reusable water bottles, for example using fossil-based plastic, glass or aluminium. Fortunately, there are also other more sustainable options available at an affordable price.

Sugar cane & local water

Bottle Up bottles are made from Sugar Cane, a bio-based and renewable source. The raw material is produced from pressing the sugar cane plant, while the traditional plastic bottles use fossil sourced raw materials like oil and gas


To make the production process as efficient as possible, Bottle Up look for water and bottling partners who are located as near to each together as possible.


As Bottle Up expands to more locations across Europe, they will make sure to replicate the same production process in each country: local partners working close together to reduce transport costs and the impact on the environment. 


Bottle Up reusable water bottles

Bottle Up offer a 500ml reusable bottle, a great size for on the go drinking. As they are made from bio-based material and reusable, the bottles are more environmentally friendly than single-use plastic bottles. The bottles are easy to wash, safe to refill and 100% suitable for recycling.


As Bottle Up aim to target on-the-go consumers who are mostly active in large cities, they have designed beautiful bottles with city designs. These bottles have a unique font and colour, designed and chosen especially for specific cities in mind. Besides the city bottles they offer a more generic bottle with a WATER design in four colours.


Water projects

The sales of Bottle Up support water projects set up by charity: water and environment awareness programs in Sri Lanka. This way reusable water bottles will not only help the environment, but also ensure that everyone in the world can enjoy safe and clean drinking water.


October 21, 2020 |

How a startup can build a great SaaS app on a limited budget

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As a start-up founder you have only one goal: to convert your idea into a product as quickly as possible and storm the market with it. Sprout expert Marc van Neerven explains how you can build a great SaaS service with a limited budget.

A focus on speed-to-market, given the constraints of a small budget (unless you have just won the lottery), produces a very pragmatic, sometimes even opportunistic attitude.

However, this same opportunism also presents some challenges when it comes to establishing a good foundation for your SaaS app.

Provided you are aware of this dynamic and its implications, you can be very lean and pragmatic and still make a great first impression with your SaaS MVP.

As Chief Technology Officer (CTO) I have worked with countless early startups, many of them grappling with tech issues.

I will group my findings into Process, Product and People:

1. Process

If you are lean, you don’t need a lot of tooling to manage your company. Expensive project management, CRM or financial software are really a bridge too far, but you do need some structure, especially on task, workflow and knowledge management.

Note: Saving documents in folders is not knowledge management

To get the noses in one direction as a team, it is good to use a knowledge management tool, preferably one that makes it ultra-simple and productive to write and share content. Previously I would have said ‘use a Wiki’, but compared to what’s on the market now, a Wiki feels gooey and clunky.

Personally, I am very fond of Nuclino. Nuclino provides direct, focused content management, where productivity comes first. Everything you write or add is immediately live (for your team), internal links are too simple for words and pictures, videos and diagrams, you drag or paste without any effort.

There are now plenty of tools like this that allow a team to have (and keep) its noses in one direction when it comes to everything important in running a startup and developing a strategy.

What you should not forget, however, is that the use of knowledge management tools entails a mindset change: your team members will have to break free from entrenched habits such as sending email attachments to each other, or saving documents in SharePoint / OneDrive / Google Drive / Dropbox folders and send each other left.

I have worked with so many startups, scaleups and ISVs who admitted that their internal knowledge sharing was a nightmare, that I can safely say that using a good knowledge management tool can make a huge difference.

So we sometimes want to make an exception in this way. Run rate x 12 should be around € 2 mln. In short, turnover can be viewed in different ways.

What does the investment process look like and what are situations in which you want to abandon the normal course of business in order to make an offer faster?

Daniël: We first look at the commercial aspect of the company. Based on the commercial aspect and the associated traction, we will decide to conduct deeper analyzes. If all traffic lights turn green, a non-binding initial offer (NBO) will follow. As soon as there is agreement between the scale-up and the investor with regard to the NBO, the due diligence investigation will start. We then really dive into your books, your forecast, your accounting system, your Google Analytics, etc. In short, we try to map the most important KPIs (e.g. LTV / CAC) and underlying factors. We would also like to talk to your customers and market experts. We also do a technical due diligence: are you GDPR compliant, is the IT platform scalable, is there technical debt, are there key-personnel risks, etc. Based on this in-depth investigation, we make a binding offer. This entire process normally takes between 3 and 4 months.

October 21, 2020 |
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