
Betondingen, leverancier van beton voor eigen huis en tuin

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Dat beton een fundament voor de tuin vormt wordt duidelijk bij het bezoek aan, betonleverancier voor eigen huis en tuin. Want beton, dat gebruiken we voor wel heel veel tuinonderdelen! Alles wat u nodig hebt voor tuin en terras vindt u terug op de website. 

Schutting op betonpoten

Valt het u ook wel eens op, die mooie antraciet grijze betonvoet waarop menig schutting leunt? Dit zijn betonpoeren, en deze zijn in vele modellen direct verkrijgbaar bij Betondingen. 

Betonnen tuinbanken en meubilair

Mooi, zo’n strakke betonnen bank in voor- of achtertuin. Laat u inspireren op de website van Betondingen, hier vindt u tal van betonnen tuinbanken, of mooie betonnen krukjes c.q. bijzettafeltjes. 

Betonnen traptredes en scheidingswanden

U- en L-elementen van beton zeggen u waarschijnlijk niets. Toch zijn deze voor gefabriceerde betondelen direct bruikbaar om te dienen als prachtige brede traptredes in de tuin, maar ook als afscheidingswanden voor ophogingen, zandbakken, groenperken. U kunt het zo gek niet bedenken of het is te realiseren met betondelen. 

Zand, betontegels en siergrind

Wilt u een mooi, modern terras aanleggen? Op de website vindt u alles wat u nodig hebt, van betontegels tot zand, siergrind en Ardenner split. Alle producten zijn te bestellen in big bags, zoals Ardenner split, zand en siergrind. 

Betonnen tuindecoraties

Plaats uw sculptuur op een betonvoet, of plaats enkele fraaie betonnen sierbollen op speciale plekken, uw tuin krijgt hierdoor direct een moderne look.
August 30, 2020 |

Een echte kerstboom kopen telen voor in de woonkamer of tuin met de feestdagen

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Hoe kan je zelf een kerstboom telen voor in je woonkamer of tuin?

We moeten onze Duitse buren bedanken om hun gewoonte, echte nordmann kerstboom kopen namelijk met Kerstmis een mooie groenblijvende kerstboom in huis te brengen, te hebben overgenomen. In Duitsland was dit al een traditie sinds de 16e eeuw. In Nederland is deze traditie pas decennia later populair geworden. Ondanks dat Kerstmis erg populair is in Amerika is deze traditie ook pas laat in de 19e eeuw populair geworden. Dit kwam mede omdat Duitse kolonisten de kerstboom hier introduceerden en in huis brachten.
Hoewel er tegenwoordig ook consumenten de voorkeur geven aan kunstmatige bomen, wilt het merendeel van de Nederlanders nog graag naar de lokale boer voor het uitzoeken van een frisse en verse kerstboom. Sommige trekken hier een hele dag, of meerdere dagen voor uit.

Naalduitval komt vooral voor bij de traditionele kerstboom kopen, de Picea Abies. Inmiddels zijn er andere soorten die veel minder naalduitval hebben. Dit zijn de Fraseri-spar en de Nordmann-spar (Abies nordmanniana). Tevens hebben deze soorten zachte naalden die niet prikken. De naalden krullen gewoon op en drogen natuurlijk in naarmate de kerstboom langer in de woonkamer staat. Maar ze laten in het algemeen minder gemakkelijk hun naalden vallen. De boom zo laat mogelijk afzagen en binnen in de woonkamer plaatsen op een relatief koele plaats zorgt natuurlijk voor een langer naaldbehoud. Maar in de praktijk is dat dit niet altijd mogelijk, en heb je geen idee hoe ver van tevoren de kerstboom is gekapt. Het is daarom erg belangrijk om te informeren wanneer de kerstboom is gezaagd.
Je kan het ook checken door flink met de boom te schudden en kijken of er (veel) naalden uitvallen. Tevens kun je kijken naar de onderkant van een (gezaagde)kerstboom. Hoe lichter van kleur, hoe verser de boom is gezaagd. Tot slot moet de boom gewoon vers en fris ruiken.



Maar je kunt een kerstboom ook zelf kweken voor in je woonkamer of in je tuin.
Je kunt hiervoor zaden planten waaruit jonge kerstboomplanten groeien, maar je kan ook een middenweg zoeken en jonge planten kopen bij een kerstboomkwekerij. De kerstbomen dien je te planten in goed doorlatende grond met voldoende licht en de ruimte om te groeien. Naast het onkruidvrij houden van de bodem hoef je de eerste jaren niet teveel te doen aan de kerstboom. Pas als de kerstboom echt goed groeien (na één of twee jaar) kun je de kerstboom gaan snoeien. Je bepaalt zelf de vorm van de boom. De laatste jaren zijn smallere kerstbomen een steeds grotere trend.

Kerstbomen in de tuin werkt ook uitstekend als afrastering of als beschutting in een tuin. Iedere soort kerstboom kan wel tegen een stootje, blijft groen in de winter en is een relatief makkelijke plant. Het is wel zaak de boom na een leeftijd van 10 tot 15 jaar te gaan snoeien, andere worden het erg grote, statige bomen waardoor het onderhouden hiervan steeds lastiger wordt.
Een blauwe spar (Picea Pungens), Fraser-spar (Abies Fraseri) en Nordmann-spar (Abies nordmanniana) zijn enkele soorten die geschikt zijn in de tuin.
August 27, 2020 |

NBA 2K21 Reveals New Gameplay Features And Changes

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2K Sports and Visual Concepts have revealed the NBA 2K21 demo and with it a lot of information about new features, game modes and gameplay changes of this game, which will make it very different compared to previous installments of the series.

After the criticism they have received in recent years, the developers have listened to the fans and worked to meet their high demands, adding new mechanics and game modes that will improve the overall player experience.

Therefore, it is time for you to know all the information that 2K Sports has revealed about the new features of NBA 2K21. Here is the detailed list.

  •  Badges: The badges will be back in NBA 2K MyTEAM mode, so users will still have the ability to improve player attributes by assigning them the badges for the skills they want to boost.

Badges can be used on players from bronze to Hall of Fame, while you can control the growth of Evolution Cards to improve the skills you need most in the future.

However, this does not imply that it will be less important to buy NBA 2K21 MT Coins to acquire the best players, so this is an aspect of the game that cannot be neglected.

  •  New Limited and Unlimited 2.0 modes: The Limited game mode will be available only from Friday to Sunday and will have different rules each week, so the player must take full advantage of them in order to win Champion Rings.

Each week players will battle each other to win a new ring that will allow them to unlock the best rewards in this Limited mode. The more rings, the more rewards.

Likewise, the Unlimited Mode will have 9 leagues that the player must win with his team until he reaches the top.

  •  NBA 2K21 Seasons: Seasons in NBA 2K21 will be constantly receiving new content to offer players new ways to play in the NBA MyTEAM mode.

Another good news is that the Seasons will be free for all players, so you will not have to pay absolutely anything to be able to play and save your money to buy players or buy NBA MT Coins.

  •  NBA MyTEAM progress can be transferred from the current-gen to the next-gen: 2K Sports have announced that players will not lose all their progress on MyTEAM if they purchase a new next generation console.

All MyTEAM cards can be transferred from PS4 to PS5 and from Xbox One to Xbox Series X, so you can start building your team in this generation and finish perfecting it when you have your new console and the next-gen version of NBA 2K21 with Zion Williamson on the cover.

  •  NBA MyTEAM Idols Collection Series: The Idols Collection Series will add players from the present and past to MyTEAM in 15 stages.

The first Pink Diamond card will be available at the launch of the game. Without a doubt, this will be the most desired premium collections for MyTEAM players.

NBA 2K21 launches on PS4, Xbox One and PC on September 4, 2020. The NBA 2K21 release date for next-gen consoles PS5 and Xbox Series X hasn’t been confirmed yet.
August 27, 2020 |

What to read about the neuromarketing

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neuromarketing books

approach in consumer behavior research

Introduction to Neuromarketing & Consumer Neuroscience. Thomas Zoega, 2015

Another book from the category of classics. Thomas Ramsoy is one of the founders of neuromarketing and the author of many renowned academic studies. He knows neuromarketing not only in theory, but also in practice, so he is not inclined to make unfounded statements, no matter how attractive they sound, he is always very careful in formulations and statements. By the way, Thomas has an interesting background: following his business education, he received a psychological education and, after several years of work as a clinical psychologist, he defended his Ph.D. in neurobiology and neuroimaging. In his book, he approaches the presentation of neuromarketing through the processes of information perception, processing, thinking. All material is structured through the features of these processes: senses and perception, attention and consciousness, emotions and feelings, learning and memory, decision making. Thomas, with his inherent academicism and pedantry, begins with the concepts and the correct understanding of the fundamental concepts (which, we think, we all know about, but this common knowledge so often fails us) and moves on to examples of how this knowledge and insights can be used in commercial interests … Thus, Thomas addresses this book to both students and all those who want to get an academic basis for understanding neuromarketing and consumer behavior in principle, as well as professional marketers and business representatives in general. Of particular interest is the last chapter devoted to pathologies of consumer behavior, such as shopaholism and a number of others.

Buyology: A fascinating journey into the brain of the modern consumer. Martin Lindstrom, 2009

This book was written by the famous marketer Martin Lindstrom, one might say, at the dawn of the development of neuromarketing and is designed for the general reader. The purpose of this book is not to teach a beginner neuromarketologist the basics of the profession, but to acquaint a wide audience with such a new phenomenon as neuromarketing. In each chapter, the author builds his story around some “surprising” phenomenon of our perception, thinking or behavior (for example, mirror neurons, rituals, somatic markers) and shows how this feature leads to unexpected and strange patterns of consumer behavior. In the English version, the book is called “Buyology: how everything we believe about why we buy is wrong”, and, indeed, each chapter is a debunking of one or another misconception that is established in marketing and leads to multi-million dollar losses in the marketing budget. All in all, the reader is on a truly fascinating journey, discovering interesting insights, amazing research findings and examples of “traditional” marketing campaigns that “strangely” didn’t work, and “new style” campaigns that “magically” worked. The author guides readers through the marketing twists and turns using comprehensible language and entertaining writing style. He always tries to surprise, stun the reader, and, I must say, he often succeeds. The only drawback of this book is that the research that the author mentions in his book does not have references to publications or imprint of the corresponding scientific articles. It remains to rely on fragmentary descriptions of the study, and from them it is impossible to determine what were the methods, incentive materials, task setting, sample, recorded indicators, and so on. Which makes it impossible to discuss these studies in detail and constructively. But perhaps the target audience of this book does not need such information.

Neuromarketing for dummies. Stephen J. Genco, Andrew P. Pohlmann, Peter Steidl, 2013

This book can be called an encyclopedia of neuromarketing, which consistently tells about the neuromarketing approach to consumer behavior research: why traditional marketing methods do not always work, what methods are used in neuromarketing research and what they allow to measure, what the registered indicators can say about the respondents’ attention, their interest, emotional reaction, memorization and desire to buy. Most of it is devoted to the methodological part: how research is done, what stages it consists of, how hypotheses are built, what pitfalls await researchers, while the emphasis is not on specific research and their results, but on methodology. The book also shows in which areas of marketing and for what tasks neuromarketing is used: advertising, branding, creating new products, testing packages, online shopping, video games, and so on. In general, the book differs from many in a fundamental, one might even say, scientific approach: the authors introduce categories and models into the narrative that are important for neuromarketing (for example, rational and intuitive consumer models, advertising perception models, types of attention and memory, priming, and so on) … The book is perfect for students – marketers and neuromarketologists as a textbook, employees of marketing departments who want to understand what are the possibilities of neuromarketing and what language to speak with neuromarketing laboratories, as well as those who like to understand everything systematically.

Neuromarketing. How to influence the consumer’s subconsciousness. Roger Dooley, 2012



As Roger Dooley himself says, this is a book about smart marketing. Indeed, using knowledge about the results of neuromarketing research, as well as experiments in behavioral economics, to effectively solve marketing goals and objectives can be safely called a smart approach. Roger builds his book on the following principle: each short chapter begins with research results on a specific topic (for example, price perception), continues with examples from marketing, how these results can be used in different situations (how to minimize painful perception of the price for the buyer), and ends with conclusions – general principles. Roger covers a wide range of topics in his book, from sensory marketing, branding, advertising and copywriting to the subtle fabrics of trust, interpersonal connections and differentiated perceptions among different categories of buyers. This is an inspirational guide to how science can be used for direct practical applications in marketing. Lots of insights and ideas for both business people and researchers and students. For those who enjoy Roger’s writing style and want a constant stream of fresh ideas and research information, consider subscribing to Roger’s blog.

Neural correlates of behavioral preference for culturally familiar drinks. Read Montague, Neuron. 2004

This article in the journal “Neuron” can be considered the starting point for the development of neuromarketing as a scientific discipline. As an idea for the experiment, the authors of the article used the well-known Pepsi Challenge paradox. At one time in America, an experiment was carried out at the initiative of the Pepsi company, in which everyone could taste two drinks – Pepsi and Coca-Cola – in nameless glasses and say which of the drinks they like best. The results showed that Pepsi wins in such a blind test. But in reality, as we know, the market is dominated by Coca-Cola, taking over a larger segment of the market. Why is it that they objectively like Pepsi and buy Coca-Cola? Many hypotheses were put forward, but they were all unconvincing. Therefore, Reed Montague, who worked in the laboratory with an fMR tomograph, decided to repeat the Pepsi Challenge in a tomograph. The participants in the experiment, being in the tomograph, drank drinks, Coca-Cola and Pepsi through a tube – first in the blind test mode, and then with the presentation of the brand logo. And it turned out that when people see a logo, the brain begins to react differently. In the blind test, the area of ​​the brain responsible for pleasure, the nucleus accumbens, was activated. And on Pepsi, it became more active in the majority: they liked the drink more, which they reported. But as soon as people saw the logos, the situation changed: in response to the presentation of the Coca-Cola logo, associative zones associated with cultural memory were activated, and on Pepsi there was no such reaction of associative zones. That is, all the images with which Coca-Cola associated its brand in commercials – heart-to-heart gatherings with friends, the joy of unity, New Year’s miracles, and so on – begin to act the moment you choose between Pepsi and Coca-Cola. And that’s why Coca-Cola wins. This study showed that neurophysiological methods can capture insights that cannot be found in other ways.

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August 26, 2020 |


Anchoring Safely Your Offshore Company Formation

Incorporating an offshore entity is no more tricky for you. AccountBooks is here as your ideal service partner in offshore company formation in Singapore with jurisdictions extending to prominent offshore regions like British Virgin Island, Belize and Panama, among others.

How To Choose Offshore Destination

Unlike a new company formation in Singapore, incorporating an offshore entity can get tricky. It can be a public or a limited liability company being set up outside your country of residence. It can be a legal entity incorporated in an offshore financial centre or a division within a larger corporate group which engages in offshore manufacturing or services business.

Whatever mode of business, our wide range of jurisdiction gives an in-depth knowledge and capabilities in advising you on choosing the country of incorporation for offshore activities. As your long term partner, we can help you establish your offshore company registration in Singapore in a way that offers you, the owner, financial confidentiality.

With us by your side, you don’t have to worry about offshore banking account statements and the risks of an external party intercepting these statements and subjecting owner of the account to personal scrutiny. We will take care of it for you.

Rest assured, we are fully equipped with such offshore company formation norms, even as it assists its clients in understanding and making full utilisation of local laws in offshore jurisdictions. This, as an AccountBooks client, protects you as the account signer from being revealed to any outside party.

The potential benefits of a properly structured offshore company include:

  • Asset Protection
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What Makes Us Top Leading Singapore Offshore Company Registration Services
August 26, 2020 |

Why A2 milk is Important

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Regular contains A1 protein (BCM-7) which causes lactose intolerance, bloating, inflammation, uneasiness and increases the risk to many diseases such as autism, heart disease, infant death, type 1 diabetes, digestive problems, cancer, etc.

Today, about 99 % of Indian households are consuming whereas countries like Australia, New Zealand, America, Europe (birthplaces of Jersey and HF cows) are importing our desi breeds for production and consumption.

Nutrient Availability: Deficient in major nutrients, essentially as the result of using growth hormones, AI, unhealthy nonorganic cow provisions, containing BCM-7 responsible for many health issues.

Digestion: BCM-7 type protein causes the indigestion of in the stomach.

Health Concern: Being containing BCM-7, when absorbed by intestines, passes onto the blood which leads to various health problems such as heart disease, autism, type 1 diabetes, bad cholesterol, infant death, etc.

Lactose Intolerance: People with lactose intolerance cannot have.

A2 Milk:

A2 is the that contains and lacks a form B-Casein protein called . is equal in structure to human which is why it’s naturally more digestible

Furthermore, is soaring in Omega 3 & 6, Vitamins, Calcium, Minerals, Iodine, Magnesium, antioxidant Beta-Carotene and many more. Our indigenous (desi) Gir cows only produce unlike cross /foreign breeds such as Holstein Friesians, Jersey that produces harmful

Nutrient Availability : Full of various Vitamins and Minerals like omega 3, Vitamin D, A, B12, etc. Contains an abundant composition of other elements such as calcium, proteins, magnesium, iodine and many more, contingently providing various health benefits.

Digestion : Easily digestible, and does not lead to bloating, stomach inflammation. Comfortably digestible by people who generally have intolerance.

Health Concern : Prevents us from various health diseases that occur as a result of drinking as it does not contain the protein element BCM–7.

Lactose Intolerance: People with lactose intolerance can have as it is similar in structure to human which is why it’s naturally more edible than

Author’s Bio :

Consuming is strongly recommended by experts and doctors for living a healthy life. Desire is to preserve a way of life and a natural environment while ensuring that community members maintain a superior standard of living. The website is the best platform to visit and understand more about pure

Drink Healthy!! Feel Healthy !! Live Healthy !!
August 24, 2020 |

Madden NFL 21: The Game Launches Soon. What To Expect?

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The fans of American football wait for the new game of the Madden franchise every year. In fact, Madden NFL is almost the only serious American football game series. Madden NFL 21 launches on August 25 with the MVP edition. The base game will be available on August 28. The cover athlete for the game will be Lamar Jackson. The Baltimore Ravens quarterback is the reigning MVP of the National Football League. Electronic Arts has announced new features for the next opus of their franchise.

The frostbite engine will with no surprise power the graphics of the game. EA will use the Frostbite 3 version in order to get next-gen worthy graphics. The game will indeed launch on current generation and next-gen consoles as well as on PC. Like FIFA 21, the players will benefit of the dual entitlement system. Buying the game on a current generation console will allow you to play it on the next-gen version of that console.

In terms of gameplay, the Skill Still system will be at the core of offense and defense in the game. Electronic arts teases more offensive and defensive move combos. Regarding offense, there will be new evasive moves and a new ball-carrier system for more creative attacks. The defense will have a better AI management system and several new tackling options. The game promises to be smarter and more dynamic.

The game modes will know various changes. The Face of the Franchise: Rise To Fame is the new career mode. It is, according to Electronic arts, a “new playable documentary career mode offers all-out levels of the agency and depth throughout your journey to the Hall of Fame.”. The Madden Ultimate Team or MUT will of course make a comeback. Live Playbooks 2.0 will upload real-life teams’ playbooks and plays in the game.

One of the most interesting features that EA has announced is the return of the Superstar X-Factor. These are offense and defense abilities reserved for the best players of the league. Specific players can trigger each ability under specific conditions. When the players enter “in the zone”, they become near unstoppable forces. The fans have so far acclaimed these features. They will make Madden NFL 21 more than a “Madden 20 1.5” if correctly implemented. You can buy MUT coins at the best prices on MUTeamGo to build your ultimate team.
August 11, 2020 |

The way the world is preparing for the future

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The world has changed a lot since men first walked on it, but never did it change as fast as it did in the last 100 years. The industrial revolution and the coming of the internet or just a few of the big changes that have made a lasting impact on the planet and the way we live on it, and are some of the reasons that make people wonder: what is next? We wish we had an answer for that, but nobody knows. What we do know, however, are the challenges that we face in the foreseeable future. We’ve detailed below how the world is preparing for the future by handling those challenges, so read on!

Reducing emissions and moving away from fossil fuel

An important topic in todays society is that of the reduction of emissions and usage of fossil fuels. Currently, the world is dependent on the usage of those fossil fuels to work the way we’re used to, but those resources are finite. Hence, an important challenge moving forward is to step away from fossil fuels and reduce the carbon emissions causing the temperatures on earth to rise.

Dealing with climate change

One of the results of all that burning of fossil fuels is climate change. In addition to reducing and eventually quitting fossil fuel usage, we already have to deal with climate change challenges. These are irreversible and have to be met as well as is possible. This is another pillar that will determine how the world will look in 20, 50 and even a 100 years’ time.

Finding options for waste management

As the world population continues to grow at an enormous rate, so does the amount of waste all of those people together produce. As you probably know, this has become a problem. There is simply no good solution for the huge amounts of waste we create. A smart waste solution is therefore needed and will have to be found in the coming years in order to move forward.

Embracing new technology

Many people look towards new technology for solutions when it comes to subjects like waste, climate and other issues. While technology cannot solve everything, and is part of the reason we have the current problems were facing, it will most likely play an important role in the solving of all of these puzzles!





August 1, 2020 |

Way To Solve Can’t Access AT&T Email?

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If you find yourself in a situation where you ‘Can’t access your AT&T Email’ then chances are you’re using a direct (but fake) link for the AT&T email login page and that’s why facing problems while login to your AT&T account. In this case, you need to make sure that you always use the official link to reach the ‘AT&T Login page’ in order to access your ATT account.

So, log in to your AT&T email account using the correct official website link i.e., ‘’ in order to check whether the problem has been resolved or not. If not then, read further as we’ve below mentioned the other reasons leading to ATT login problems along with their particular solution. Have a look:

  • Reason1: Your AT&T Email Service Server might be down!

Solution 1: Visit the website ‘Down Detector’ and there, search for the ATT domain server to know whether the server is really down or not. If not, then move on to the next reason.


  • Reason2: Your Firewall interfering or blocking the ATT Email Service!

Solution 2: You need to disable your Firewall to avoid ATT login issues and to do so, navigate from the ‘Control Panel’ option to ‘Windows Firewall.’ Then, click on the option of ‘Turn Windows Firewall Off’ to finally disable it.

This way, you’ll surely be able to troubleshoot your AT&T login problems easily without any further help.
July 23, 2020 |

Top push notification service

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 Boost your conversation rate by sending unlimited push notifications to your subscribers by using Truepush tool. Truepush is a free forever push notification service for both web and mobile devices and it is awarded as the 7th most popular Push Notifications service in India by BuiltWith.and Truepush is awarded the “Fastest Growing Software in Push Notification” by SaaSworthy. Truepush is equipped with rich features like RSS-to-push, Audience segmentation, Triggers, Project Duplication, etc. that are generally paid on other competitive platforms, thus helping brands re-engage with their users for free.
July 21, 2020 |
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