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Have you ever considered moving to a place where you may be entirely free and happy? Then it’s time to begin looking for property in Puerto del Carmen for sale. Puerto de Carmen is Lanzarote’s main tourist destination. It’s noted for being the spot where the most tourists congregate. It is a popular international vacation spot with numerous lovely beaches. It features a lively nightlife, as well as numerous stores and restaurants. If you find a house for sale in Puerto del Carmen and decide to live there, you will be able to enjoy all of these wonderful attractions every day.
Relaxing in Puerto Del Carmen
Property for sale in Puerto del Carmen is available for individuals who are nearing retirement and wish to spend the rest of their life in tranquility. You can relax on the beach and go for lengthy hikes. The beaches here are enormous, stretching for kilometers. There is also plenty of wind and good temps.
Several points of interest
If you’re looking for a home in Puerto del Carmen, you should know ahead of time that you’ll have plenty of opportunities to see the attractions. The Timanfaya National Park is accessible from Puerto del Carmen. It’s weird and resembles a lunar landscape. It’s actually a lava field. You should also be aware that the volcanoes in this area are currently active. Visit the Manrique Foundation’s lava cave (Fundación de César Manrique). The Jardn de Cactus is another feature that you can enjoy as a new inhabitant of Puerto del Carmen. It’s a lovely botanical garden. Come every day to unwind.
Comments Off on The Most Suitable Projects for Robotic Abrasive Blasting
Many sectors, including oil and gas extraction, water and wastewater treatment, the maritime industry, and power production facilities, may benefit from robotic abrasive blasting. However, it is vital to keep in mind that robotic abrasive blasting is not simply a matter of industry but rather a matter of application.
Drilling and profiling
When it comes to tasks like pipe and tank interiors, robotic abrasive blasting is the best method. “There are two reasons why a robot might be useful in these situations.” In the first place, it’s more time and money efficient than hand blasting.
When the coating is removed from them, these places may also include dangerous compounds, such as lead or radioactive materials. Ed Zaharias, senior manager of Sponge-Jet, noted that using a robot to remove things like this minimizes the number of man-hours exposed to these risks.
Reduced Access to Restricted Spaces
Robotic abrasive blasting from Vertidrive is an excellent choice for jobs that need entrance into a small area. All blasting contractors should place a high value on minimizing the number of man-hours spent in tight spaces. Confined spaces, rather than slips and falls, account for more worker fatalities than any other single hazard, according to Zaharias. Workplace safety will improve dramatically because of the 60-90% reduction in man-hours that robotic blasting in restricted places will provide.
Small Or Large Pipe Project
It is a problem for blasters to blast through small-diameter pipes. Pipes smaller than 48 inches in diameter are difficult to work in, and in rare cases, the pipe is so tiny that no one can go through it. As the abrasive blasting robot enters the restricted area rather than a person, there is greater and safer access to the constrained location.
Large-diameter pipes, on the other hand, have their own set of issues. When you reach a diameter of 12 feet or more, you’ll need scaffolding to blast the top of the pipe inside, and you’ll also need scaffolding to manually blast the top of the pipe.That’s because it’s time-consuming and labor-intensive, “Zaharias said. Robotic blasting systems are also capable of blasting up or down gradients that would be difficult for a human operator to do.
A robot can blast at speeds ranging from 6.5 to 8.5 times quicker than a single human. As a result, blasting pipe interiors is much more efficient, no matter how big the pipe is.
Expanded Capabilities
Robotic abrasive blasting improves productivity and worker safety while also allowing for more flexibility on the project site. In the beginning, the Robotica from Sponge-Jet was intended to blast pipe interiors. Because of its versatility in blasting flat surfaces, the robot has been modified for use in the tank industry as well, “said Zaharias. As an added benefit, the Robotica can work at effective blast pressures up to a distance of 2,000 feet from the feed unit.
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ECHA heeft een uniform formaat voor ‘meldingen van gifcentra’ ontwikkeld dat basisinformatie biedt voor gifcentra. Het formaat is online beschikbaar. Het ECHA-indieningsportaal, beschikbaar op de website van het ECHA Centrum voor Toxicologie, is een online tool voor het voorbereiden en indienen van informatie in een uniform formaat. ECHA biedt drie verschillende manieren om informatie voor te bereiden voor verzending naar een antigifcentrum. Wil je meer weten over het structureren van vervelende bestanden? Lees dan snel.
Welke stappen moet u ondernemen?
Poison Center-meldingen worden ook wel PCN’s genoemd. Uw dossier kan via het ECHA-portaal worden ingediend en ter beschikking worden gesteld aan de bevoegde autoriteiten van de lidstaten. Sommige lidstaten bieden ook de mogelijkheid om informatie rechtstreeks bij hen in te dienen via hun nationale indieningssystemen.
Het Uniform PCN is van toepassing op alle inzendingen, ongeacht de gebruikte inleverroute. ECHA verzamelt informatie over de implementatie van het indieningsproces door de lidstaten. U kunt zien welke lidstaten alleen aanvragen accepteren die via ECHA zijn ingediend, welke lidstaten kosten in rekening brengen en wanneer u volgens de nieuwe regels kunt beginnen met melden. Het ECHA-indieningsportaal ondersteunt indieningen voor meerdere markten, wat betekent dat meerdere kennisgevingen effectief kunnen worden gedaan door simpelweg één document in te dienen bij alle lidstaten waar het product op de markt wordt gebracht.
Vergeet dit niet
Een voordeel van PCN is dat het niet verloopt. PCN-abonnementen verlopen niet vanwege langdurig gebruik van de meeste producten na gebruik, waardoor het product een ramp kan blijven. Daarom is het belangrijk om nauwkeurige informatie over producten te blijven verstrekken, zelfs als ze niet langer actief worden verkocht. In het meldingsformaat van het gifcentrum is er ook een optie om aan te geven dat het product niet langer beschikbaar is in een land. Als de samenstelling van het product verandert, moet het product opnieuw worden geregistreerd. Dit kan het geval zijn wanneer een of meer ingrediënten worden toegevoegd, weggelaten of gewijzigd.
Comments Off on De voordelen van slapen op een natuurlatex matras
Sinds enkele jaren is latex uitgegroeid tot een van de favoriete materialen van iedereen voor matrassen. Hun voordelen zijn talrijk en het comfort dat zij bieden is zeer hoog. Slapen op een natuurlatex matras garandeert een rustgevende en adequate slaap.
Als je overweegt een latex matras te kopen, moet je zich eerst grondig informeren over de kenmerken, eigenschappen en de voordelen die het je kan bieden. In dit artikel presenteren wij de belangrijkste voordelen van het kiezen voor een eco matras van Una. Kijk hier eens naar!
Wat is latex?
Latex is een melkachtige substantie die bestaat uit harsen die worden geëxtraheerd uit insnijdingen in de stam van de Hevea brasiliensis boom. Het wordt ook verkregen als een goedkoper oliederivaat (synthetische latex).
Synthetische latex heeft een sterkere geur dan natuurlijke latex, voelt rubberachtiger aan en is iets minder comfortabel dan natuurlijke latex. Gewoonlijk worden de twee soorten latex gecombineerd; hoe duurder ze zijn, hoe hoger het percentage natuurlatex dat ze bevatten.
Voordelen van een natuurlatexmatras
Zacht gevoel
Latexmatrassen worden gekenmerkt door een zeer zachte aanraking. Dit maakt ze zeer aangenaam als het op rusten aankomt.
Latex is een zeer elastisch materiaal. Dankzij deze kwaliteit past een natuurlatexmatras zich perfect aan de vorm van het lichaam aan. Dit resulteert in een zeer zachte en progressieve ontvangst.
Medium stevigheid
Latex matrassen hebben een gemiddelde hardheid, waardoor ze ideaal zijn als je een stevige en comfortabele basis nodig hebt.
Latex matrassen zijn zeer ademend, waardoor vocht gemakkelijker door het lichaam kan worden opgenomen. Bovendien is natuurlijke latex geen geschikt substraat voor de groei van deze organismen. Dit voorkomt de verspreiding van schimmels en bacteriën als gevolg van vochtigheid.
Waarop moet worden gelet bij de aankoop van een latex matras?
Er zijn verschillende dingen waar je op moet letten als je een natuurlatex matras gaat kopen. Zo is bijvoorbeeld de dichtheid en de hoogte belangrijk. Hieronder vertellen we je daar meer over.
De dichtheid van de matras
Dit zal bepalen of de matras meer of minder stevig is, waarbij altijd in gedachten moet worden gehouden dat latex een zacht en vormbaar materiaal is en nooit zo stevig zal zijn als een matras met veren of viscoelastische matrassen.
Onderstel waarop de matras zal worden gelegd
Traditioneel werd het gebruik van houten latten voor latexmatrassen aanbevolen om een goede luchtcirculatie en ventilatie van het materiaal te garanderen. Tegenwoordig zijn er gestoffeerde bodems die dezelfde mate van ventilatie bieden.
Ideale latex matras hoogte
Aanbevolen wordt de kern ten minste 15 cm te laten bedragen en de totale hoogte van de matras meer dan 18 cm.
Comments Off on Incassobureau: wat het doet en wat de voordelen zijn
Zelfs ondanks alle inspanningen om de economie te doen groeien, worden talloze bedrijven nog steeds door wanbetalingen getroffen. Om dit probleem te omzeilen, rekenen vele zakenlieden op de steun van een incassobureau. Hoewel dit soort dienstverlening niet nieuw is in de wereld, roept het toch twijfels op bij veel managers. Want wat doet het, welke voordelen kan dit bedrijf bieden en hoe kan Rechtnet advocaten Eindhoven jouw onderneming helpen groeien? Om deze en andere vragen te beantwoorden, hebben wij dit artikel opgesteld. Lees verder en leer meer over het onderwerp!
Wat is een incassobureau?
Een incassobedrijf is een onderneming die belast is met het innen van schulden van andere ondernemingen. Daarom is het een uitbesteder die de onderhandelingen met de wanbetalers voor zijn rekening neemt. Door middel van planning en strategie neemt een extern team contact op met de klanten en onderhandelt over hun schulden. Dit alles gebeurt op een snelle, professionele en vriendelijke manier.
Vergeet niet dat de omvang van de actie van deze partner afhangt van de behoeften van de contractant. Zij kan dus optreden in het gehele inzamelingsproces of slechts in een deel daarvan.
Welke diensten biedt een incassobureau aan?
Wanneer een incassobureau wordt ingeschakeld, heeft de beheerder toegang tot een grote verscheidenheid van diensten. Het proces kan immers al beginnen vóór het uitstel van een termijn. Het lijkt misschien verwarrend. Dit type operatie is echter vrij eenvoudig te begrijpen. Zie hieronder de hoofdlijnen van de prestaties van deze uitbestede onderneming!
Wanneer wij het hebben over maatregelen vóór de vervaldag, bedoelen wij de inspanningen die nodig zijn om te voorkomen dat de cliënt een wanbetaler wordt. Ze beginnen gemiddeld 15 dagen voor de uitgerekende datum en zijn preventief. Het doel is risicosituaties op te sporen, de cliënt aan zijn verbintenissen te herinneren en een betere cashflow voor de onderneming te garanderen.
Raadgevend herstel
Raadpleging van de invordering wordt ook beschouwd als een preventief proces, en wordt uitgevoerd in de periode tussen 1 en 30 dagen nadat de termijn is overschreden. In dit geval tracht het incassobedrijf de redenen voor de wanbetaling te begrijpen en begeleidt het de klant op de beste manier om zijn of haar schulden af te lossen, zodat hij of zij de schuld niet langer laat voortduren en de financiën van de contractant niet langer schade toebrengt.
Comments Off on MindCapture celebrates 10 years of providing services for the life sciences ecosystem.
We are proud to announce a decade of life sciences consultancy and precision staffing.
31st of January 2012, the world was different those days. Talents in life sciences were also highly demanded, but “scarcity had another dimension”.
Where in those days, for an exciting job, 3 to 5 candidates were lining up in our search stream easily, now, for 1 validated candidate, 3 to 5 exciting companies are queuing up, to get his or her attention. Our consultancy and staffing services have never stopped to be relevant as we have been adapting our approach to this changing context.
During these 10 years, we have experienced and shared many insights and formulas for career building and entrepreneurial success, but most importantly, we strived for personal happiness of the talents we encountered, aiming for a good work-life balance, the basis of all progress.
So why did we choose the name MindCapture, why “Mind” and “Capture”’?
– Dictionary wise, “Mind” can be translated as “the element of a person that enables him or her to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel “. Another interpretation to be found in literature is the “person’s ability to think, the reason; the intellect ».
We add a third dimension of interpretation to the word “Mind” as in someone’s “Personal Cloud”, an infinite repository with capabilities, thoughts and experiences”.
– The word “Capture” is somewhat trickier, as it can also have different meanings. The relevant and more appropriate significance in this context is to “record something accurately for optimal and focused deploying”. In the combination of both words, lies the mission of “MindCapture “: “Understanding andrecording one’s personal cloud of ideas, experiences and ambitions, for better deployment and focused actions”.
At MindCapture, we believe that the formula for personal success boils down to “the identification of a limitless desire, passion and determination to achieve crystal-clear concrete goals, by understanding one’s mind and to capture it to focused deployment”.
In other words, to help people do what he or she is “good at” (skills), what he or she “likes to do” (personal interests) and where he or she wants to have an impact on (internal “why”), reflected on how the talent wants to be rewarded.
During the last 4 years, we expanded our ecosystem through our sister company StaffYourTribe (, capturing IT development talents for 21st-century environments.
We also initiated the new division MindCapture Cleantech (, tackling the profiles that will help find solutions to make our economy more circular and more sustainable. Combining these 3 fields of technical expertise (life sciences, cleantech and IT development), we believe to have found the ideal mix to bring challenging jobs to dedicated talents with a background in technology and science. Through our talent consultancy programs, we cater for satisfying the need of the hiring market and accelerating the career ambitions of the promising talents.
Do you want to know more?
Visit our website and follow us on LinkedIn!
Written by managing director and founder Kris Vanhercke
Comments Off on TaskXS Latest Incredible Activities and Developments
As a project manager, you need to stay in touch with the contractor and other team members at all times, regardless of your location. XS Project is your perfect solution if you are currently running a project, but you can’t be on-site all the time.
The software is a practical tool for ensuring the construction project managers stays in touch with their contractors and other team members, even when miles away.
You have to upload the project details on the requirement template; share and update the permits, reports, requirements, drawings, and the contractors’ approved drawings. With everything set and in place, you can communicate with the team through chats and conference calls (videos). Below are the XS’s latest developments and activities.
McDonald’s Nederland
The construction department of McDonald’s Nederland recently selected Task XS Project for all its future project management roles. The facility constructs and remodels more than 40 projects every year and has an incredible team of certified consultants and suppliers. The professionals are responsible for preparing, designing, building and renovating restaurants and other properties. Partnering with TaskXS Project makes everything bigger and better.
De Koepel Haarlem
Following its recent mega renovation, De Koepel, Haarlem is set to resume its activities on 3rd January 2022. Having served as a prison for almost a decade, De Koepel has become a highly spectacular monument in the area. The recent renovations include a range of expansions and modifications whose results include six halls in the basement – recently constructed. Additional floors have also been added to serve as meeting rooms and lecture halls, while the previous prisoner cells have been transformed into startups’ workspaces.
TaskXS is honoured to announce its great partnerships with De Koepel through the TaskXS Wallet App. The latter will give the clients (tenants) access to the property documents relating to their rented space.
In addition to the above, TaskXS also announced its partnership with De Hallen, Amsterdam, during the software’s web application launch. This software aims to keep you updated on everything going on at the site, whether you are present or absent. It is one of the most convenient ways of managing your project and minimising errors, no matter your schedule or location.
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The United Kingdom is not so far away from The Netherlands. However, transporting goods to the UK is a slightly different story. First of all, it is an island, which means that you may have to deal with different transport methods. And secondly, there is Brexit, which means that different rules now apply than before. Do you export agricultural products or foodstuffs? Then as of January 1, 2022, you even have to pre-register your cargo with the British government. As of July 1 in that same year, there will be a certification requirement and you will have to deal with new import requirements from British Customs.
In this article we tell you more about the rules that apply to transport to and within the UK since Brexit and read about the various transport methods that can be used.
Export regulations United Kingdom (since January 1, 2021)
Do you already do business with the United Kingdom? Or are you planning to start transporting products to the UK in the near future? Then a number of so-called export regulations apply. Below we briefly go through them with you:
Different export rules apply than in EU countries. The UK is no longer part of the European Union. For that reason, EU regulations no longer apply in the UK. Rules for, for example, packaging requirements, export documents and transport. The British rules now apply. Your product must therefore meet all these British requirements and you must therefore arrange the correct formalities in both the Netherlands and the UK.
Check the British product and packaging requirements. Before you have your products shipped to the UK, you need to make sure that your products meet all the requirements. These may include requirements for your product itself, as well as requirements for the packaging and labeling of your product. If your product does not meet these UK requirements, then it may not be marketed in the UK.
Arrange the proper documents and formalities. Does your product just meet all the requirements? That’s great! In that case, you will still need to arrange a number of documents and formalities before exporting. These include the customs declaration or a certain certificate. Depending on your product, you will have to arrange things with Dutch or British authorities.
Managing your UK export obligations or contracting them out
We understand that customs regulations in foreign countries – and perhaps especially for a country outside the EU – can be complicated at times. You may even find dealing with government agencies to be laborious. If that is the case, it is more convenient to have a specialized party, such as your transport company, handle the customs and import formalities for you
Intermodal transport to the UK
As you can see, there are quite a few regulations involved in transporting products to the UK. But your transport company already takes a lot out of your hands. Besides the paperwork, they also make sure your product reaches its destination in the UK safely and sound. Also called intermodal transport. Intermodal (tank) transport is a form of transport in which several means of transport are used to get a load from A to B. You can think of a combination of different modes of transport. You can think of a combination of road transport, sea transport and rail transport. In intermodal transport the goods change modality in the transport chain, but the way they are transported (for example in a container or swap body) remains the same.
What does intermodal look like in practice?
To make it clearer how intermodal transport works, imagine the following situation. In this form of transport, various modes of transport are thus used to optimally organize the transport chain. For example, a load of goods can be taken by truck to a transshipment terminal, where the container with goods is then loaded onto an inland vessel. This ship then transports the goods to a container freighter. After this ship reaches the port of destination, the container is transported and unloaded by train to the final destination. In this way, there is road transport, sea transport and rail transport to get the cargo of goods from A to B in an efficient way.
Different forms of intermodal transport
Intermodal transport exists in many forms. The distinction usually lies in the various types of loading units. These include:
Containers / shipping containers
Swap bodies
Distribution of liquids
Transport or semi-trailers
There are two options for the transport of semi-trailers: accompanied and unaccompanied transport. In accompanied transport, a truck is transported in its entirety. You can think of a truck that is transported across the water, including the driver himself. Unaccompanied transport refers only to the transport of the trailer itself.
Shipping containers
With shipping containers, it is true that it must meet various standards and they have standardized dimensions. This makes these types of containers used worldwide and makes them very suitable for transport by sea.
Swap bodies
Sometimes it happens that the dimensions of a standard container do not suffice. If so, you can look at containers that use different dimensions. We call these containers swap bodies.
Distribution of liquid food
Finally, the distribution of liquids, such as olive oil, wine, and dairy products like milk. Especially to transport such products to England, for example, there are tank containers. These tank containers are equipped with a separate loading and unloading system and liter counters. In this way, different liquid products can be loaded in the same tanker without any risk of contamination.
Safety and guaranteed quality of transport to and within the UK
When transporting food and drink, safety is of the utmost importance. Especially when it is underway for a long time. Matters such as temperature regulation are then the order of the day. That is why transport companies have various certificates to guarantee the quality of your products en route and at their destination. The three certificates are the ISO22000, the GMP+FSA and Kosher. The quality can also be seen in the way the transport companies communicate. If anything, you do want to know where you stand. Every step of the way. This in all makes it a good company to transport your goods into and within the UK.
Somewhere in America, the Indians started smoking. Later, in 1492, Columbus saw the Indians smoking a pipe. It then also spread to Europe. Since then a lot has happened in the field of smoking and a lot is possible. What is possible? You can read that here.
By default, a lot of cigarettes are smoked and shag is also smoked a lot. There is a lot of choice within these two options. For example, with cigarettes, you can also opt for click cigarettes. Then you have to ‘shoot’ the tobacco into the sleeve with a device. The sleeve has a filter. There is also special shag for click cigarettes.
There are also people who spin shag. They buy a pack of tobacco and some rolling papers. They smoke without a filter. There are also various brands of shag with different amounts of nicotine. Is there a lot in it? Then this is called heavy shag.
Portable vaporizer
What is also on the rise are e-cigarettes. They are a lot more practical, because you can ‘take them off’ at any time. They don’t call them the portable vaporizer for nothing. That immediately indicates the convenience. It also indicates what it is a bit like in terms of experience, a portable vaporizer is a bit like a water pipe in terms of experience. You can smoke all kinds of things with a portable vaporizer, or rather vape, such as something with a strawberry flavour. You can also choose to vape without nicotine. A clear advantage is that you could reduce your amount of nicotine in this way. Is vaping without nicotine healthy? For the time being, the figures show that you cannot simply say that. Eliminating nicotine is in any case a first step.
Other ways
Pipe smoking, as the Indians used to do, is not much done anymore. What is also not very common, that is cigar smoking. That’s more of a niche market. It is also thought that pipe smoking and cigar smoking are a lot unhealthier than the above forms of smoking.
The most healthy? Of course, that’s not smoking. It’s also cheaper. However, quitting smoking is not easy. Once you’re addicted, it’s hard to get rid of it. For example, a first cigarette ‘just to try it once’ can ensure that you lose a considerable amount of capital in the future to a smoking addiction. So think about what you are doing beforehand.
Comments Off on What is multi-touch attribution and why is it important for me to know?
Whichever point you choose to focus on, our digital marketing services will help you attract qualified leads and engage customers like never before. We can manage everything from your entire online presence to a strategic e-commerce platform. Getting visibility online doesn’t have to be complex or expensive; we deliver results with customized plans that fit your business needs and budget.
There are many digital touchpoints in today’s consumer journey. As a brand, you need to understand each of your most important online touchpoints and how they can help you reach your business goals. By defining these touchpoints and creating a strategy for each one—including who will do what, when it will be done, and with what supporting assets—you gain greater control over your marketing investments. Without this plan in place, you’re likely to spread your efforts too thin across too many touchpoints and multi-touch attribution.
Incrementality is all about understanding what brings you the most value. A source of traffic, a particular campaign, or an individual keyword can contribute to your business in different ways. For example, after analyzing the incremental increase of visits directly attributable to a given campaign or traffic source (visits that would not likely have occurred without that source), it becomes relatively easy to understand the performance of specific marketing activities, making it easier to prioritize future campaigns and efforts. Digital touchpoints are essential to today’s marketing strategy. Through the right channel, you can easily tap into the needs of target audiences. A digital strategy includes designing strategies to engage customers through multiple touchpoints. For example, your company may advertise on Facebook, but your customers may also interact with you across multiple platforms every day. If every step in the customer journey is managed well, this will help to increase brand loyalty and generate sales growth.
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