
Swelling After Removal of Plaster Cast

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When your hand or arms comes out of the cast after bone of the wrist fracture, you might feel that you cannot move your hand or arm as fully or fluently as you expect to do.

This happens because the musclese that are linked to the wrist that enable your wrists move are weak now and need exercise to gain the moveability again.

If you feel swelling after removal of plaster cast Handfizz is your device that trains your wrist for best and fastest recovery.

Physical therapy and rehabilitation (PTR) is essential to eliminate the limitation of movement after wrist fracture. FTR helps strengthen the wrist joint and surrounding muscles and improve range of motion.

FTR should begin immediately after cast removal. Exercises after cast removal wrist starting early helps prevent or reduce movement limitation.

FTR involves a series of exercises, usually including:

  • Passive movements: The physical therapist moves your wrist. This helps your muscles and joints get used to moving.
    Wrist exercises for passive movements
  • Active movements: You move your wrist yourself. This helps strengthen your muscles using robotic physiotherapy devices.
    Wrist exercises for active movements
  • Stretching: You move your wrist against a resistance band or elastic band. This helps increase the strength and endurance of your muscles.
    Resistance band exercises for wrist
  • Extensive movement: You move your wrist through its full range of motion. This helps increase joint mobility.


Comprehensive range of motion exercises for the wrist

The FTR program is tailored to individual needs. Your physical therapist will help you choose the right exercises and program for you. 

In addition to FTR, make sure to use your wrist regularly. This will help maintain the mobility of muscles and joints.

To prevent limitation of movement after wrist fracture, it is important to start FTR immediately after the cast is removed. Additionally, you should take care to use your wrist regularly.
September 17, 2020 |

The way the world is preparing for the future

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The world has changed a lot since men first walked on it, but never did it change as fast as it did in the last 100 years. The industrial revolution and the coming of the internet or just a few of the big changes that have made a lasting impact on the planet and the way we live on it, and are some of the reasons that make people wonder: what is next? We wish we had an answer for that, but nobody knows. What we do know, however, are the challenges that we face in the foreseeable future. We’ve detailed below how the world is preparing for the future by handling those challenges, so read on!

Reducing emissions and moving away from fossil fuel

An important topic in todays society is that of the reduction of emissions and usage of fossil fuels. Currently, the world is dependent on the usage of those fossil fuels to work the way we’re used to, but those resources are finite. Hence, an important challenge moving forward is to step away from fossil fuels and reduce the carbon emissions causing the temperatures on earth to rise.

Dealing with climate change

One of the results of all that burning of fossil fuels is climate change. In addition to reducing and eventually quitting fossil fuel usage, we already have to deal with climate change challenges. These are irreversible and have to be met as well as is possible. This is another pillar that will determine how the world will look in 20, 50 and even a 100 years’ time.

Finding options for waste management

As the world population continues to grow at an enormous rate, so does the amount of waste all of those people together produce. As you probably know, this has become a problem. There is simply no good solution for the huge amounts of waste we create. A smart waste solution is therefore needed and will have to be found in the coming years in order to move forward.

Embracing new technology

Many people look towards new technology for solutions when it comes to subjects like waste, climate and other issues. While technology cannot solve everything, and is part of the reason we have the current problems were facing, it will most likely play an important role in the solving of all of these puzzles!





August 1, 2020 |
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