Top 10 Bush Landscape Shrubs for the Homeowner in You

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Do you have a challenging space in your yard that needs a little something special to give it character? Or perhaps you’re trying to create a private space within your property with shrubs as your primary defense. Either way, shrubs are the perfect answer for adding curb appeal and privacy while also increasing property value and decreasing maintenance costs. We all know shrubs are perfect for creating boundaries, but they can be used in so many other ways too! Shrubs are the perfect landscape accessory because they’re so versatile and widely available. You don’t need special arbors or pergolas to add character to your home; just these beautiful bushes! Here is our list of the top bush landscape shrubs for the homeowner in you:


Sumac shrub

The sumac shrub is a fantastic addition to any landscape. It’s native to the American Southeast, and its leaves are actually used to make pancakes! This shrub will grow about 8 to 10 feet tall and wide, so make sure to give it ample room to grow. Sumac has beautiful red fall foliage that really pops against a blue sky. It’s a perfect shrub to place near your home’s foundation to add fall color. Sumac doesn’t require much attention, but it will require some watering during drought. It requires full sun to partial sun, and it’s a great shrub for wildlife and pollinators. It’s also a great shrub for erosion control! Sumac is also extremely easy to propagate.


Boxwood shrub

The boxwood shrub is one of the most popular and classic shrubs used in landscapes. It’s also extremely easy to care for, making it perfect for the homeowner who doesn’t have a lot of time or energy to spend on their yard. The boxwood is a great addition to any yard because it can be used in a variety of different ways. It also has beautiful foliage that changes color in the fall, making it ideal for visual interest year-round. Boxwood can grow up to 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide, so it’s best to plant it on the outer edge of your landscape. It requires partial sun to full sun, and it’s generally pretty easy to care for. Just remember it will need to be pruned annually for best results.


Shrub Rose

The shrub rose is a beautiful perennial shrub that can also grow as a small tree. There are tons of different varieties, so you can choose the color and fragrance that best suits your tastes and needs. The shrub rose is a great addition to any landscape for a variety of reasons. It looks beautiful throughout the growing season, and its blooms attract bees and pollinators. It also has gorgeous fall foliage that pops against the trees behind it. The shrub rose is fairly easy to care for. It prefers partial sun to partial shade, and it thrives in a variety of soil types. You’ll also need to prune it annually to keep it healthy and growing strong.


Japanese blood grass

The Japanese blood grass is a beautiful, low-maintenance plant. It has beautiful red and purple foliage that really pops against the green around it. It’s a wonderful addition to any landscape, especially if your yard is sloped. Japanese blood grass is one of the best plants for erosion control. It’s low-maintenance and requires very little water. It’s also drought-resistant, making it perfect for xeriscaping. This shrub also attracts lots of beneficial insects and pollinators, making it great for the environment around us. It prefers lots of sun, and it can grow up to 5 feet tall and wide. You may need to trim it occasionally if it starts to overtake your space.


Blue hibiscus

The blue hibiscus is a show-stopping shrub that’s sure to add some color to your yard. This shrub is extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of different ways. It can be planted as a border or hedge, or you can use it as an accent plant in your landscape. It’s easy to prune and maintain, making it a great choice for the homeowner with limited yard knowledge and experience. This shrub is also relatively easy to propagate, making it a great choice for large gardens. Blue hibiscus prefers partial sun to partial shade and does best in sandy, well-draining soil. It thrives in both hot and cold climates. Blue hibiscus is also a great shrub for wildlife and pollinators. It’s generally easy to care for, but it does require some water, especially during the drier months of the year.


Vinca Shrub

The vinca shrub is a beautiful, easy-to-grow flowering shrub. It’s a great shrub for people who want seasonal color on their property but don’t have time or energy to spend on a traditional garden. It’s a very low-maintenance shrub that requires very little water. You’ll only need to water it during times of extreme drought. It prefers partial sun to partial shade and can grow up to 2 feet tall and wide. It’s a great shrub for edging and soil erosion. You’ll want to prune it regularly to keep it in check. Vinca is also a great shrub for pollinators and wildlife. It’s a very easy shrub to care for, making it a great shrub for the homeowner with minimal yard knowledge and experience.



There are so many different types of shrubs to choose from, and each one has different benefits and uses. If you’re trying to decide which shrubs to plant, start by looking at your home and determining what will compliment it best. Then, choose shrubs that are easy to maintain and will thrive in your climate and soil type. Shrubs are a great way to add visual interest to your property while also increasing privacy and improving air quality. They’re perfect for smaller yards that might not have enough room or sunlight for a full-blown garden or tree. They’re also a great way to create visual barriers between properties, especially if you’re trying to block the view of unsightly elements like a pool, shed, or side yard. If you’re ready to add some shrubs to your yard, there are tons of options available. Whether you’re looking for a shrub that will provide ornamental foliage, attract pollinators, or act as a visual barrier, there’s a shrub out there for you.

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June 17, 2022 |

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