What to read about the neuromarketing

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neuromarketing books

approach in consumer behavior research

Introduction to Neuromarketing & Consumer Neuroscience. Thomas Zoega, 2015

Another book from the category of classics. Thomas Ramsoy is one of the founders of neuromarketing and the author of many renowned academic studies. He knows neuromarketing not only in theory, but also in practice, so he is not inclined to make unfounded statements, no matter how attractive they sound, he is always very careful in formulations and statements. By the way, Thomas has an interesting background: following his business education, he received a psychological education and, after several years of work as a clinical psychologist, he defended his Ph.D. in neurobiology and neuroimaging. In his book, he approaches the presentation of neuromarketing through the processes of information perception, processing, thinking. All material is structured through the features of these processes: senses and perception, attention and consciousness, emotions and feelings, learning and memory, decision making. Thomas, with his inherent academicism and pedantry, begins with the concepts and the correct understanding of the fundamental concepts (which, we think, we all know about, but this common knowledge so often fails us) and moves on to examples of how this knowledge and insights can be used in commercial interests … Thus, Thomas addresses this book to both students and all those who want to get an academic basis for understanding neuromarketing and consumer behavior in principle, as well as professional marketers and business representatives in general. Of particular interest is the last chapter devoted to pathologies of consumer behavior, such as shopaholism and a number of others.

Buyology: A fascinating journey into the brain of the modern consumer. Martin Lindstrom, 2009

This book was written by the famous marketer Martin Lindstrom, one might say, at the dawn of the development of neuromarketing and is designed for the general reader. The purpose of this book is not to teach a beginner neuromarketologist the basics of the profession, but to acquaint a wide audience with such a new phenomenon as neuromarketing. In each chapter, the author builds his story around some “surprising” phenomenon of our perception, thinking or behavior (for example, mirror neurons, rituals, somatic markers) and shows how this feature leads to unexpected and strange patterns of consumer behavior. In the English version, the book is called “Buyology: how everything we believe about why we buy is wrong”, and, indeed, each chapter is a debunking of one or another misconception that is established in marketing and leads to multi-million dollar losses in the marketing budget. All in all, the reader is on a truly fascinating journey, discovering interesting insights, amazing research findings and examples of “traditional” marketing campaigns that “strangely” didn’t work, and “new style” campaigns that “magically” worked. The author guides readers through the marketing twists and turns using comprehensible language and entertaining writing style. He always tries to surprise, stun the reader, and, I must say, he often succeeds. The only drawback of this book is that the research that the author mentions in his book does not have references to publications or imprint of the corresponding scientific articles. It remains to rely on fragmentary descriptions of the study, and from them it is impossible to determine what were the methods, incentive materials, task setting, sample, recorded indicators, and so on. Which makes it impossible to discuss these studies in detail and constructively. But perhaps the target audience of this book does not need such information.

Neuromarketing for dummies. Stephen J. Genco, Andrew P. Pohlmann, Peter Steidl, 2013

This book can be called an encyclopedia of neuromarketing, which consistently tells about the neuromarketing approach to consumer behavior research: why traditional marketing methods do not always work, what methods are used in neuromarketing research and what they allow to measure, what the registered indicators can say about the respondents’ attention, their interest, emotional reaction, memorization and desire to buy. Most of it is devoted to the methodological part: how research is done, what stages it consists of, how hypotheses are built, what pitfalls await researchers, while the emphasis is not on specific research and their results, but on methodology. The book also shows in which areas of marketing and for what tasks neuromarketing is used: advertising, branding, creating new products, testing packages, online shopping, video games, and so on. In general, the book differs from many in a fundamental, one might even say, scientific approach: the authors introduce categories and models into the narrative that are important for neuromarketing (for example, rational and intuitive consumer models, advertising perception models, types of attention and memory, priming, and so on) … The book is perfect for students – marketers and neuromarketologists as a textbook, employees of marketing departments who want to understand what are the possibilities of neuromarketing and what language to speak with neuromarketing laboratories, as well as those who like to understand everything systematically.

Neuromarketing. How to influence the consumer’s subconsciousness. Roger Dooley, 2012



As Roger Dooley himself says, this is a book about smart marketing. Indeed, using knowledge about the results of neuromarketing research, as well as experiments in behavioral economics, to effectively solve marketing goals and objectives can be safely called a smart approach. Roger builds his book on the following principle: each short chapter begins with research results on a specific topic (for example, price perception), continues with examples from marketing, how these results can be used in different situations (how to minimize painful perception of the price for the buyer), and ends with conclusions – general principles. Roger covers a wide range of topics in his book, from sensory marketing, branding, advertising and copywriting to the subtle fabrics of trust, interpersonal connections and differentiated perceptions among different categories of buyers. This is an inspirational guide to how science can be used for direct practical applications in marketing. Lots of insights and ideas for both business people and researchers and students. For those who enjoy Roger’s writing style and want a constant stream of fresh ideas and research information, consider subscribing to Roger’s blog.

Neural correlates of behavioral preference for culturally familiar drinks. Read Montague, Neuron. 2004

This article in the journal “Neuron” can be considered the starting point for the development of neuromarketing as a scientific discipline. As an idea for the experiment, the authors of the article used the well-known Pepsi Challenge paradox. At one time in America, an experiment was carried out at the initiative of the Pepsi company, in which everyone could taste two drinks – Pepsi and Coca-Cola – in nameless glasses and say which of the drinks they like best. The results showed that Pepsi wins in such a blind test. But in reality, as we know, the market is dominated by Coca-Cola, taking over a larger segment of the market. Why is it that they objectively like Pepsi and buy Coca-Cola? Many hypotheses were put forward, but they were all unconvincing. Therefore, Reed Montague, who worked in the laboratory with an fMR tomograph, decided to repeat the Pepsi Challenge in a tomograph. The participants in the experiment, being in the tomograph, drank drinks, Coca-Cola and Pepsi through a tube – first in the blind test mode, and then with the presentation of the brand logo. And it turned out that when people see a logo, the brain begins to react differently. In the blind test, the area of ​​the brain responsible for pleasure, the nucleus accumbens, was activated. And on Pepsi, it became more active in the majority: they liked the drink more, which they reported. But as soon as people saw the logos, the situation changed: in response to the presentation of the Coca-Cola logo, associative zones associated with cultural memory were activated, and on Pepsi there was no such reaction of associative zones. That is, all the images with which Coca-Cola associated its brand in commercials – heart-to-heart gatherings with friends, the joy of unity, New Year’s miracles, and so on – begin to act the moment you choose between Pepsi and Coca-Cola. And that’s why Coca-Cola wins. This study showed that neurophysiological methods can capture insights that cannot be found in other ways.

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